Thursday 18 December 2014

Merry Christmas

Thanks for such a super year Room 3.

I hope everyone has an awesome Christmas and new year.

 Leave a comment to let me know what you are up to in the holidays :) From Mrs Dow :)

Wednesday 17 December 2014

End of year talent show!

I just wanted to say how SUPER DUPER proud I am of all of the amazing children at St Leonards School. All of your acts at the talent show were super awesome!!!!!

Sunday 30 November 2014

Some more great pics from Julie!

Thanks for the photographs Julie! They are great :)

Week 8

Please do 10 minutes of math learning a night. You can choose the website. Make sure you leave a comment about your learning! We are aiming for 100% responses this week :) HAVE FUN!!

Our decorated Indian elephants

On Thursday we had a blast at the Art Gallery creating these masterpieces. The cool thing about them is that they are all very unique! Enjoy :)

Our Toitu trip

On Friday we were super lucky and went to Toitu to learn about World War One. We worked with Helen, Sara, and Evelyn. We learnt about the allies and where they were located. We learnt about soldiers from around Port Chalmers and St Leonards. We also learnt some skills that the soldiers would need including morse code, semaphore, knot tying, bandage wrapping and compass work. Here are some pics. 

We also did some drama. Here are some pictures.

Sunday 23 November 2014


Yay!!! We have had over 2000 views for our blog and we only set it up last term! Thank you to everyone who has had a look at our blog and for the wonderful comments. Keep up the great work team :) :)