Sunday 30 November 2014

Some more great pics from Julie!

Thanks for the photographs Julie! They are great :)

Week 8

Please do 10 minutes of math learning a night. You can choose the website. Make sure you leave a comment about your learning! We are aiming for 100% responses this week :) HAVE FUN!!

Our decorated Indian elephants

On Thursday we had a blast at the Art Gallery creating these masterpieces. The cool thing about them is that they are all very unique! Enjoy :)

Our Toitu trip

On Friday we were super lucky and went to Toitu to learn about World War One. We worked with Helen, Sara, and Evelyn. We learnt about the allies and where they were located. We learnt about soldiers from around Port Chalmers and St Leonards. We also learnt some skills that the soldiers would need including morse code, semaphore, knot tying, bandage wrapping and compass work. Here are some pics. 

We also did some drama. Here are some pictures.

Sunday 23 November 2014


Yay!!! We have had over 2000 views for our blog and we only set it up last term! Thank you to everyone who has had a look at our blog and for the wonderful comments. Keep up the great work team :) :)

Week 7 math homework

Spend 10 minutes on either free rice or each night. One night this week write a comment on this post saying how you went with your math. Good luck and have fun :)

Challenge: can you find another cool math sight for homework??

Wednesday 19 November 2014

We love playing drama games

In this drama game called birthday we have a party host and party guests. The guests are given a role to act in and the host has to guess what they are. Today for example Grace was a clock, Ella was a hip hop dancer, Josh was a ballerina and Maya was a servant. The guests need to interact with the host, the audience and the other guests to give the host clues. It's lots of fun and helps us with our oral language skills and remembering to stay in character.

By Tessa and Mrs Dow

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Class pets

These are our new class pets we have to write mrs Dow a letter if we want to look after the guinea pigs  
In class

Guardians of the West Harbour

We have been working with Jessica our West Harbour Artist in residence. We are sea spirits, we used our haiku poems to turn into dance. Here are some photos. 

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Here are some children doing there maths run by children and Mrs Dow

Happy PJ day! Thanks to the wonderful teachers and learners in our math session today. We had 6 sessions to choose from and could book into two. The options were: learning strategies to remember your timestables, compensation with multiplication, place value with multiplication, basic multiplication algorithms, hard multiplication algorithms and dividing large numbers. Have a chat to your children about what sessions they booked into.

The wonderful photos were taken by the wonderful Josh who was the photographer of the day today :)

Monday 10 November 2014