Thursday 28 August 2014

Hello Room 3!!!

Firstly, a massive happy birthday to William! I hope you have a great day :)

I hope you have all had a super week, I'm sure you have! I am looking forward to hearing all about it on Monday especially the drama. :) 

Well done to the person who posted the last post.

See you all on Monday :)

Boys doing the animation zone

Wow these boys look serious

Thursday 21 August 2014

Our science fair projects are underway

Here are a few photos of some of our science fair projects. :)

Sophie, Ella and Charis are investigating which animal manure helps grass grow best. Here they are collecting their materials

Sam and Beau are making their model house items for their fire experiment while Josh makes the board. They are testing if the type of fuel effects how a room burns. 

Tane is investigating what classroom tool glides the slowest on average when attached to a plastic bag parachute. 

Maya and Elyse are figuring out what is the most popular colour.

Tessa and Amrit are investigating what liquids mix.

Charlie and Riley are investigating which paper plane travels the most distance.

Our wonderful netball supporters

Koren comes to Room 3

Koren came to talk to us about journalism. She told us about the different articles you could write and how they are different depending on the type of piece needed. For example you could write a sports piece, a politics piece, a court news piece, a human interest piece, or a national or world piece. We also learnt that it is important to stay neutral and non biased when creating articles and only use the facts. Thanks heaps Koren for coming in and talking to us about journalism. 

A baby opossum comes to say hello

This is Dobby she is about 3 weeks old and is living with the Ryders. Tessa has been looking after her at home.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Flying fox by Amrit

Most of room three students went on the new flying fox

Pig writing

As the fat flabby 500 tone pig marched passed the fridge he picked up a scent just then he had realised that he had an addiction of chocolatechip cookies. His snout quivers as he floated up to the treasure while his floppy back side hanging in the air. He flops to the ground with his rolls making him blind to see. He caught a glance of a broom he got it and used it to try and push the cookies off but he only succseeded his goal of pushing the cookies further away. He glared around the room just then he saw 2 toilet plungers he used them to try and climb up only to notice that he had them stuck to his chest. The pig fell to the ground and then threw a tantrum he knocked the fridge and they fell off.
By josh

Cameron's flying fox writing

I felt snow dripping on my hair as the rope dragged my body towards the tree. It was speedy and getting even faster. The wind blasted though my number one hairdo. It thrilled me but it was finished too soon.
By Cameron

Photographer of the day

This is Akira on the new flying fox. He said it was fantastic. The flying fox opened up after school yesterday there will be a long line at morning tea I'm sure. 

By Ben 

My flying fox experience

As I got shoved off the starting platform I felt like I was super man while fear rushed through by blood cells. Suddenly bam! I hit a stop with my body whip lashing . I start bouncing up and down back to the starting platform. Now for my second turn.
By Josh

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Jump jam time

Wow you guys rock
You guys have rocking moves 
Love the enthusiasm

Pig and a lot of cookies

A chubby pig strutted proudly into the kitchen when a chocolate aroma blocked the pigs snout. As he breathed in the welcoming heavenly scent to soon find out he was floating towards the smell. Then he spotted the magnificence triple chocolate cookies coated with a thick vanilla icing. Just when he was about to snatch the cookies he fell to the ground with a thud humph. Then he had an idea he bolted towards the broom cupboard then quickly grabbed a broom before charging at the fridge and WHACK  but instead of the jar moving forward it moved backwards ugh. Wait that's it he tightened the jet pack over his pink flabby skin the flew to the moon at full speed until he spotted blue cheese !!!!! He broke it carefully before scoffing it down, Kchaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah until finally PLONK noooo he missed the fridge whyyyyyyyyy when he noticed it was raining cookies yayyyy until thud the jar landed on his head.
By Amrit 

Our awesome teacher


St Leonard's Hoops

The St Leonards hoops played off for 1st place tonight. All players played their hearts out but unfortunately NEV won. Well done to all players for a fantastic season and a big thank you to all of the supporters who came along. You all rock :)

Monday 18 August 2014

Oe reading

Oe doing his must dos

Red bellied piranhas and electric eels

These two maths groups are adding large numbers using three different are some photos.

Super woman and supermen join StLeonards for some high jump

Today we have been doing some high jump with super skills. Here are some photos. 

Cross country runners

Today some room 3 children went to Kvc to do the cross country track. They competed against lots of different students from many different skills. Here are the runners. 

Sunday 17 August 2014

Bucket filler of the week

The bucket filler of the week this week goes to the wonderful Beau because he has been really helpful with room  one with high jump and when organising the whole school game with Mrs Wilson. Keep up the great work Beau!!

DNI fitness course

We really enjoyed the fitness course. We liked that you could race each other and that it had different obstacles. Here are some photos.

DNI trip on Friday morning

The year 6 students were lucky enough to go to DNI on Friday morning and do some art with MRs Holt. We had fun making tea cups or boats. Here are some photos. Enjoy :)