Tuesday 19 August 2014

Pig and a lot of cookies

A chubby pig strutted proudly into the kitchen when a chocolate aroma blocked the pigs snout. As he breathed in the welcoming heavenly scent to soon find out he was floating towards the smell. Then he spotted the magnificence triple chocolate cookies coated with a thick vanilla icing. Just when he was about to snatch the cookies he fell to the ground with a thud humph. Then he had an idea he bolted towards the broom cupboard then quickly grabbed a broom before charging at the fridge and WHACK  but instead of the jar moving forward it moved backwards ugh. Wait that's it he tightened the jet pack over his pink flabby skin the flew to the moon at full speed until he spotted blue cheese !!!!! He broke it carefully before scoffing it down, Kchaa Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah until finally PLONK noooo he missed the fridge whyyyyyyyyy when he noticed it was raining cookies yayyyy until thud the jar landed on his head.
By Amrit 

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